Pregnancy, a miraculous journey filled with joy and anticipation, brings about significant changes in a woman's life. As you embark on this transformative path, maintaining your physical and emotional well-being becomes paramount. Enter yoga, an ancient practice that...
Vishnu holds a Bachelor’s of Ayurvedic Science and Surgery from Rajeev Gandhi University in Bangalore, South India. He is specialised in the treatment of neurological, rheumatic and bone degenerative diseases. After receiving the Bachelor’s degree, he pursued a Master’s degree in Panchakarma, which is a popular treatment method in Ayurveda to eliminate toxins from the body due to disease, food and environment.
Currently he works as the Director of the Sivananda Institute of Health (SIH) at Sivananda Ashram, Neyyardam, Kerala, India, which was established in 1985. He examines thousands of patients every month from all around the world. As an expert in Panchakarma, he conducts Panchakarma classes for over 300 students every year and also conducts various Ayurvedic courses at Sivananda Ashram in Neyyardam. He also travels every summer to the Sivananda Ashram, Val-Morin, Canada and to Japan to conduct Ayurvedic classes and consultations.
His sharp diagnosis and effective treatment methods are making him popular around the world and new patients are seeking his health advice and guidance every day. If you want to reach Dr.Vishnu, please use the following contacts:
Dr P.R. Vishnu, BAMS, MD is director of the Sivananda Institute of Health at the Sivananda Dhanwantari Ashram, Kerala, south India